Monday, June 1, 2020

Baking Diary: Moist Banana Pound Cake

Banana cake is always my mum's favorite dessert. There's three ripe bananas left in the kitchen, so I decided to turn them into a banana cake. The recipe I referred to is from Brian cuisine. 

However, to enhance the fragrance and flavor of banana, you may cut your bananas into pieces, seal them in a fresh zipper and refrigerate them overnight. By doing this, the amount of isoamyl acetate will be doubled and the browning reactions will be speed up. 

To make this pound cake, you will need: 

Rippened bananas        350g
Caster sugar                 100g
Brown sugar                 70g
Salt                               1/2 teaspoon
Eggs                             2
Unsalted melted butter 55g
All purpose flour          220g
Baking soda                 1 teaspoon

Firstly, mash the bananas then transfer them into a large mixing bowl. Make sure those bananas are spotty before you mash it. More brown spots = sweeter, more banana flavor. 

Next, add white sugar, brown sugar and salt into the mashed bananas. The combination of white sugar and brown sugar is the essence of this recipe, because the brown sugar leaves the cake even more moist. 

Add melted butter into the mixture and mix well. You can melt the butter in a microwave for 1 min + 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Be careful, overheat the butter may break your bowl or cup. 

After that, add the egg mixture and mix well. Remember to beat the eggs beforehand. 

Next, let's prepare the dry ingredients. Add the baking soda into the flour and slightly mix them together. Then, sieve them into the mixture and gently fold the mixture with a spatula. 
Gentle reminder: Don't over mix during this step or else your cake won't rise well. 

Fold it until you can't see lumps of flour. Lastly, pour the final mixture into a 8 inch or 9 inch rectangular cake tray. Line the tray with parchment paper before this. 

Too much air in the batter will create holes and cracks in the finished product. To help avoid of air bubbles, tap the tray on the table a few times after filling it with batter. 

Before putting the tray into the oven, wet a butter knife with some water and draw a line across the surface of batter to make the finished product rise in the middle nicely. Then, bake it in the oven at 180°C for 50 minutes. 

After 50 minutes, the cake is done! I like the texture of the cake. Fluffy, fragrance and moist. The perfect match with a cup of English tea. For cheese lovers, you may spread some cream cheese on the slices. 

That's all for what I would like to share. This is a great way to settle your overripe bananas and the whole process only took me half an hour. Have a try! 

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